UALA is now accepting nominations for available board members positions.You may nominate yourself or another individual.
Terms begin in May
Key Information:
• To be nominated you must be a current UALA member in good standing.
• Candidates should be willing to commit to two years of service.
• A maximum of three people from any one organization may serve on the board at one time.
• Duties include participating at monthly board meetings, serving on a committee, attending general membership meetings and annual conference.
- Participating at monthly board meetings
- Serving on a committee
- Attending general membership meetings
- Regularly communicate and provide insight to the Utah Department of Health
- Engagement and influence with local state leaders
- Actively participate in legislation
- Annual conference.
Key Dates:
• April 1 - Nominations forms due back.
• April 5 - Ballots with Candidate Information to be emailed to members for voting
• April 26 - Voting Deadline (all votes must be submitted by April 30).
• April 29 - All nominees will be notified of the results
• May - Board meeting & Annual Conference- New board members swearing in and the board elects new officers.